
The land of the 1000 strays in Costa Rica


The land of the 1000 strays in Costa Rica - what a great dream  

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Myxomatosis and RHD


Two particularly dreaded disease in rabbits are mixomatosis and RHD (Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease). They are lethal for many unvaccinated rabbits, although more and more unvaccinated rabbits are now surviving these diseases. They are caused by viruses, which in turn are transmitted by mosquitoes and ..

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BARF - yes or no...?


BARF – yes o no…? more and more dog owners are now confronting this question. Our pets are  suffering from illnesses that did not exist in the animal world before, such as allergies, organ diseases, due, among other things, to inadequate nutrition. It is therefore good and important that we sta..

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What is Mycotherapy? Healing animals with vital mushrooms


The traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) recognized thousands of years ago that fungi have an enormous variety of active ingredients. Mushrooms have also been used to cure diseases in the Roman Empire and Ancient Egypt. Unfortunately, knowledge of the extraordinary healing power of mushrooms has been ..

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Does alternative medicine exist for animals too?


Yes - alternative healing methods have also been successfully applied to animals. There are animals where treatment with certain drugs is very delicate. For example, an antibiotic treatment in hamsters is quite difficult. They have a very low tolerance to antibiotics. Of course, it cannot always be ..

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What is alternative medicine?


medication as we know it today, they had to use natural resources. In other words, alternative medicine simply means natural therapeutical procedures from the naturopathy such as classical homeopathy, orthomolecular medicine, acupuncture, Bach flowers and much more. Of course, conventional medicine ..

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How to feed properly?


In my opinion, one size doesn´t fit all but one thing is for sure, feeding only dry food is certainly not the best plan for dogs and cats. Dry food contains very little moisture, the content of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids is often very low and above all dry food contains antioxidants and pre..

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Why fresh or raw feed?


Healthy nutrition is becoming more and more important for us. Diseases of civilization, physical stress and genetic diseases require a new way of thinking also in terms of nutrition. Advisors explain to us why and how we should eat healthily. Our animals are also exposed to negative environmental in..

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Start: Animal Nutrition and Natural Health For Your Pet


Natural health for your pet! Doolittle Terapias offers consulting in animal nutrition and natural health. As a qualified animal nutritionist, I advise you on all aspects related to animal nutrition relative to a specific breed. I specialise in the diagnosis and treatment of dogs and cats, and also f..

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